An acrostic is an age-old form of visual patterning. It is rather like those Wordsearch puzzles as some people place them in a grid, but the technique can work within creative writing.
Basically, you use the letters of a word to create descriptions, or a line of verse.
C calculating
A animal
T torments
could inspire a rather devious cat in a story or poem, or you may find cuddlier adjectives to create a sweeter kitty.

Or try a name to help you with characters:
D dull
E elephantine
I ignored
D dreary
R reclusive
E eremite

which creates a different picture to

D dynamic
E enthusiastic
I intriguing
D drop-dead gorgeous
R raucous
E entertainer
Names and acrostics can be fruitful in writing to give you a starter for how someone looks or behaves or is perceived by others.
As Thomas Carlyle wrote: Giving a name, indeed, is a poetic act.
Have a go and let us know what you come up with! Maybe start with your own name – find some descriptive words to give clues about your character …