Learn about writing and I.T. to support you!

Here’s the rub. Most of us use one side of our brains more than the other. Some are right-brain creatives, never stuck for an idea or a way to intuitively show people how to achieve success. Some of us are left-brain logisticians, brilliant at obtaining workable results from approaching things methodically.

That can cause problems. The highly creative may struggle with the technology that would help them, while the logical may struggle with creative flow. Writing is creative. Technology is logical. Put the two together and you get top-notch brain power …

So on our site, we combine two people’s brains (Rob is predominantly left-brain, Dawn is right – no pun intended) to provide creativity with a twist, making full use of all that IT has to offer to those who write, expressed in a clear and helpful way. If you write novels, blogs, essays, letters or even simple tweets, then we can help you in getting IT write.

Here is the simple test.

What we do

This site will cover a wide range of topics, and we’re always open to ideas from our readers about additional things to cover.



We’ll talk about software that is especially useful to you, as a writer.

Inspiration and motivation

We’ve all heard people say ‘just start’, but it’s not always that easy. We’ll give you some practical tips to get started and keep going.


We’ll give you some handy things to consider when it comes to IT hardware.

Grammar and punctuation

It’s good to write conversationally, but for some aspects of writing you have to, well, get it right. We’re here with some tips.


We’ll point out some useful apps that will not only keep you safe online, but help you work more productively.


Prompts and tips to help you write well and keep your reader onside.

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